William always admired Thomas Cohen's instant recall of names and relationships.
But Filippelli did not have instant recall of Girardi's voice.
Failure to report it would almost certainly mean instant recall and yet he was having an intimate relationship with a woman he worked with.
It's a matter of personality, with the necessity of instant recall.
So like I said, it came as a surprise to me that so many people had that code on instant recall.
Many low-attaining secondary pupils struggle with instant recall of tables.
Walter used to have instant recall on every one of Wayne's slap shots, but his memory now comes and goes.
I see you, I get like a rush of instant recall, all the incredible things we did together.
But when it is a question of instant recall, your notes must be compiled to act as a memory-trigger for the more important facts.
I would not trade one of my memories for a younger person's instant recall.