The first installation marked the beginning of Onestop's first media network, and the first service debut of their hardware and software platform.
This installation marked the first time sculptures were exhibited there since Auguste Rodin's exhibition more than a century ago.
This installation also marked the beginning of Nesa Gschwend's large wind figures, which were to be a trademark of PAN.
The installation of the Cupola, along with Tranquility, marks one of the last main components to be added to the International Space Station.
The installation of a sewerage system marks a milestone in the history of developing Chakar.
The installation of the elder statesman Itó Hirobumi as resident 1905-9 marked the significance of the post.
On 7 February 2013, the installation of the final section of the steel frame marks the completion of the building and had reached a major milestone.
This pioneering installation marked one of the country's first transmissions of electricity over a long distance.
The installation of "Paradigm" marked the first time in history that the museum officially exhibited an artists work in front of the institution.
The installation of Reginald Lewis as president of the Linden Lions Club marked a first for himself and for the 42-year-old service organization.