At the same time, though, the Franciscans have installed electric wires that emit impulses to repel birds from parts of their 13th-century basilica.
Advantages are that it saves time and material by eliminating the need to install wires between the switch and controlled device, e.g., a light fixture.
He said Urban Cable had yet to install the satellite antennas or wires in five of the projects.
Electricians also install wires for telephones, computers, and fire alarms.
It also includes provisions preventing renters from damaging landlords' property by drilling holes to install dishes or wires without a landlord's approval.
He said the department will also install razor sharp wires around the top of the fences.
It also has openings, making it easier to install electrical wires and plumbing.
However, installing new wires is simplest.
He has done almost everything in cable short of entering homes and installing wires.
Some use all-new construction while others make use of an existing, usually disused, freight railway, by installing overhead wires and passenger stops.