The heavy oak plank door looked new, as if it had been installed recently, possibly in the past year or two.
'We will put in a £2,000 application for the new equipment to be installed early in the new financial year.'
A number of courses have installed synthetic surfaces in the past year.
Capital costs may be offset by government subsidies, for example, Ontario offered $7000 for residential systems installed in the 2009 fiscal year.
Another platform was also installed in the year on the opposite side of the line which had a wooden shelter on it.
The T-24s were originally armed only with machine guns, until the 45 mm guns were installed in the following year.
At least 50 hotels in Britain plan to install them in the next year.
Plans call for installing 200 in the next year and a half.
Once everything is approved, it plans to install 650 bus shelters, 110 newsstands and 10 public toilets in the first year.
An organ was installed in the same year.