To avoid having to apply legislation affecting stadium safety, the club installed wooden benches that reduced the capacity to 9,950.
Most of the projects were for street improvements, such as installing benches and lights and replacing asphalt with brick paving.
The township, through a grant from the state, tends the streetscape, including planting trees and installing benches.
It will build walls to block off the street, plant many more trees and shrubs, install benches and chairs and add food concession stands.
At the same time, city officials began a $12 million face lifting for the downtown area, redoing sidewalks, planting trees, replacing street lights and installing benches.
Several projects, including installing benches and new lighting in the park, have been completed.
A compromise was reached, and Ms. Struk was allowed to install benches.
Stone and brick paving was installed as well as benches, lighting and trees.
The city installed stylish benches, cement planters and other street furniture.
Installing new benches and creating quiet, sheltered seating areas.