National Airlines installed a plaque in her honor in a Miami hospital.
Nineteen years later, the Native Sons of the Golden West installed a commemorative plaque on the summit.
The Daughters of the American Revolution maintained Washington's gravesite at "Glencairne," and in 1979 installed a plaque honoring her.
The Air and Space Museum needs to install a larger plaque that states more of the human facts.
In 1989 the ASM International society installed a plaque at the former entrance to the mine, commemorating the mine as a historical landmark.
The memorial itself does not contain the names of those killed or wounded in the shooting; under pressure, the university agreed to install a plaque near it with the names.
They also installed a small plaque on her seat, 1st Balcony, Right, B1, in honor of her dedication to the orchestra.
English Heritage installed a blue plaque at 84 Burbage Road, Herne Hill, on 11 July 2012.
In 1937, the City of Austin purchased the land for $1,000 and installed a plaque honoring the tree's role in Texas history.
Hari Singh Nalwa installed a plaque over the gate of the fort that read: