Williams, in his most inspired performance of the season, grabbed seven rebounds, including four on the offensive end, in 27 minutes.
Bunton gives a 1960's inspired performance of her 2004 hit "Maybe".
Brodeur showed in the first minute of the game that he was ready for an inspired performance.
Steinbrenner also sounded as if he supported giving Cone, the $19.5 million ace, a raise after his inspired performance.
This was a thoroughly inspired performance by the team, for which I must take all the credit.
In fact, Hayakawa's inspired performance went beyond tossing a simple no-hitter as well.
An inspired performance, he thought, as he set about putting a temporary sheet of plastic over the sink window.
I do not know why or how our team rose to such an inspired performance except that this game was a great tradition.
He then became a great extrovert personality; his inspired performances were highly regarded.
Once the game started this afternoon, Milbrett redeemed herself with an inspired performance.