Inspired by the 'star comedians' of British music hall shows, Hill set out to make his mark in show business.
The biennial has even inspired a Web site of its own, albeit an unofficial one.
Yet the men and women who fashioned these prized objects were not inspired by ideals of beauty or of style.
I've been inspired by the words and deeds of many people both in and out of government.
The padding phrase may have been inspired by both a sense of history and a knowledge of poetry.
And I think it was inspired of you to use beer nuts to get him out of the way.
He was particularly inspired by the people, climate, colours, landscape and architecture of southern Portugal.
This book is sometimes reported to have inspired the 1970 and 1972 political strategies of the Nixon administration.
The zombies' reproduction was inspired by spiders, some of which ".
They're dramatic works inspired by real events and personalities rather than generated out of the author's imagination.