The festival and the unusual set have inspired directors, actors and audiences over the past five decades.
Mr. Blair, 48, is the bright and personable one, a smiler who inspires audiences with uplifting visions.
Three new online projects hint at how a combination of audio, video and interactivity might inspire future audiences.
The show ends with a dance celebrating Jesus's Ascension that seems to inspire audiences.
The goal of this festival is to entertain, challenge and inspire audiences.
A magical, innovative, modern remaking to charm and inspire young and contemporary audiences.
Truman's life inspires audiences around the world, meaning their lives are controlled by his.
Ballet Theater's productions must inspire both audiences and dancers; the company cannot afford to rely on the routine.
The events are as likely to approach the raucousness of a hockey game as they are to inspire audiences with gemlike verse.
As an accomplished classical pianist she also inspired her students and audiences with her passionate love of music.