The Cultural Olympiad has inspired creative activities nationwide and is heading for a spectacular finale.
He further states that the Italians infused the city with economic energy, revitalised the tourist industry, inspired new import-export activities and injected new vigour in the real-estate sector.
On 9 February 1887, the 'Giuditta Tavani Arquati Democratic Association' was founded which inspired many secular and anti-clerical activities.
The acts of Benoy, Badal and Dinesh inspired further revolutionary activities in Bengal, in particular and India, in general.
Family Matters features discussions about issues, challenges and learning of married life, great stories of simple families that inspire other and alternative activities for the family.
"Disposition" is a faculty (malakah) of the soul (nafs) which unconsciously inspires activities.
In the heat of the child's relentless requests for new toys advertised on TV and in the possession of playmates, parents seldom stop to ask the question: What activities will this toy inspire?
Austin's Gentle Thursday inspired similar activities at a number of other universities including Penn State and Iowa State.
Pornography depicts sexual activities so as to inspire sexual activities.
It continues to inspire religious and meditative activities.