It even ran six experimental calutrons at a site near Baghdad, where inspectors had gone for over a decade and issued clean bills of health.
Tina Casey, a spokeswoman for the department, said that inspectors can issue a violation if "we catch the establishment in the act."
She said that while the damage did not warrant forcing the building to close, inspectors issued a notice of violation.
Since April 1, the inspectors have been issuing summonses.
On three occasions between last July and October, he said, inspectors issued objections about the fire escapes at the building.
The foray lasted a week, and inspectors issued about 100 violation notices to a variety of businesses.
Also, postal inspectors issued two search warrants as part of a grand jury investigation into the exchanges.
An inspector may issue an improvement notice if they believe you're breaking health and safety law.
After the inspector issued a stop-work order, the Ciampas agreed to reconsider their plans.
During that period, inspectors made 26 trips to the building and issued 11 violations.