Froggatt's work was not confined to entomology, he was also vine inspector and later inspector under the vegetation diseases act.
He further continued that the trial judge would probably find that the "inspectors had acted contrary to the rules of national justice."
The department's Brooklyn office determined that the "inspector clearly acted improperly" and left a message on Ms. Kelch's phone machine, asking her to call for another appointment.
Even if the agency had the power to levy fines, it does not have enough inspectors to act as an effective watchdog.
Some inspectors at the center acted as informants and were supplied with tape recorders.
The inspectors and their supervisors acted in concert, directing cabs to inspection lanes with corrupt inspectors.
The inspectors act as experts.
"I don't believe our inspectors have acted inappropriately," said Ewen Buchanan, the spokesman for the weapons inspectors at the United Nations.
Can it clarify whether the inspectors were acting on behalf of NAFO or the Canadian Government?
If you believe that the inspector has acted unreasonably, you have the right to complain.