Though there is no driver, stewards ride each train to help passengers and inspect tickets.
Tickets are checked manually by the pass controllers, who usually turn up at stations near the escalators, but they may inspect tickets anywhere within the metro system; tickets or passes must be handed over to them on request.
Stern-looking ushers dressed as security guards led the audience into the auditorium, pausing every few moments to inspect tickets and warn people that they were subject to deportation.
These Transit Officers have the authority to inspect tickets, and in addition issue on the spot fines, request passenger information, and if necessary remove passengers from services.
When not one but three transport police officers regularly appear at the top of the Metro stairs to inspect tickets, how worked up can even a ticketless passenger get?
At the airport, Mr. Spoto writes, "he was stopped by a customs officer who inspected his passport and tickets, inquired in a nearly incomprehensible accent about Olivier's recent travels and promptly informed him that a body search would be required."
When he came up to the officer inspecting tickets I waited until he was finished and then saluted politely.
The conductor sold, punched, and inspected tickets, called out the stations, signaled departures, kept an eye on the chil- dren who pushed their way onto the platforms, fought with passengers who jumped off and on, and denied further entry if the car was full.
In recent weeks, Ms. Carlquist said, the railroad has been cracking down on counterfeit tickets, adding four more special duty conductors and regularly inspecting tickets.
Instead, station staff inspect tickets at peak times, while at off-peak times there is often no ticket checking.