It is also very commonly used for inspecting structural parts (e.g., landing gear) that have been in-service for some time to find fatigue cracks.
As part of its insolvency, Thielert indicated that it would not honor warranties or inspect and replace life-limited parts as was the case when the engines were sold to customers.
In collaboration with Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, the Directorate helped develop a new laser-based ultrasonic scanner to inspect composite parts also for use on the F-22.
They are used for inspecting parts that have limited and known variations.
Employees could train for sit-down jobs like inspecting tiny parts under microscopes.
After his travels, Sima was chosen to be a Palace Attendant in the government, whose duties were to inspect different parts of the country with Emperor Wu.
They also retrieved experiments and inspected and photographed parts of the station's exterior.
On race day, Nascar employs a team of 70 inspectors - usually 8 per car - to inspect parts and check for hidden computer chips.
The pilot primarily inspects outside parts of the aircraft he will steer, e.g. tires and possible leaks from kerosene or oil.
In June, Boeing asked owners of 747's to inspect wiring, conduits, fasteners and other parts inside the jets' center fuel tanks.