Your insistent claims about parents, and what parents want, also come over as aggressive.
They do resent these things, but what they really, bitterly resent is his damnable contention that they are not blind, his insistent claim that they can open up their eyes any time they acquire the courage to do so.
Of our insistent claim to a world that they covet--and have coveted since the day they achieved interstellar flight.
Although she demonstrated a fondness for excess and magic, her stories remained firmly grounded in the insistent claims of the body - and in the recent history of her native country, Cuba.
The job is to purge the good-riddance-to-Quebec attitude among Reform Party supporters, and to get backing in the western provinces for a further set of constitutional changes, incorporating Quebec's insistent claim to be recognised as a distinct society.
I had neglected my literary work for the past week, owing to the insistent claims of the fowls.
To this priority, of which he knew the full value, Alfred de Vigny laid insistent claim.
By deliberately embarrassing Reverend Jackson, Mr. Clinton was declaring independence from an important branch of his party which has made insistent claims upon recent Democratic nominees.
But it's the quietly insistent claims of design to be "the new advertising" that may actually merit most attention.
Plans for evasion had been half-matured by my inventive faculties, only to be discarded, unpolished, on account of the insistent claims of the endless rehearsals.