More important, he insisted on a full transfer of sovereignty on June 30 - including Iraqi control over the country's military and finances.
While at Casino, he insisted on giving stock options to all employees, including cashiers.
She nevertheless insisted that the government consult with her on most legislation, including budgets and, she was also able to exercise significant power.
In its report, it insisted on reforms that Payne had proposed, including the introduction of trade union legislation.
Dal Nardo insisted on five of his own, including his seconds, so we'll have the same.
Kurtzman insisted on doing the layouts for all the artists, which some resented, including Severin.
Ailey insisted upon a complete theatrical experience, including costumes, lighting, and make-up.
FBI agents insisted on checking passports, including the royal family's.
But he has been insisting on four cabinet posts, including key positions such as the Defense or Oil ministries.
We must therefore insist upon the enhancement of all high-quality tobacco products, including those produced in northern Europe.