The other factors would have an "insignificant" effect on the railroad's cash position, the company said.
Results for osteoarthritis in other joints suggest insignificant effects in short-term pain relief, which may be due to placebo or expectation effects.
If corporate contributions have an insignificant effect on elections, why are so many tax breaks, loopholes and subsidies for special interests written into the law?
Most of the docked boats are shorter than 50 feet, he said, and the new slips would have insignificant effects on the view.
Still, this assumes that friction has an insignificant effect.
In 1978, this statement was revised to an 'insignificant effect'(Panofsky, 1978).
Artificially manipulating the price of energy in this way would have an insignificant effect on oil dependency.
In upholding the variance, the court said the buildings would have an "an insignificant effect on the general character of the mixed-use neighborhood."
Thus a regression of membership on Β and wages should find that Β has an insignificant effect.
Hamilton's original proposal passed after major modifications, only to be repealed shortly thereafter with an insignificant effect on the federal budget.