Three sharp acerbic short novels that unerringly hit the mark - the first two gothic and unsettling, the third an insightful story of guilt, loss, memory and time.
Merry Christmas to the staff at Ars, and thanks for another great year of engaging, insightful stories.
The somber yet reflective and insightful story would prove typical of much of Söderberg's output.
"She handed in on deadline this incredibly insightful, well-written story," Mr. Woliver recalled.
"Hip and hilarious...His funny and often insightful stories are sure to strike a chord."
"Make-Believe" is one of the most insightful stories in the book, because it isn't just about Star Trek.
In addition to his insightful stories on paramilitaries, he was known for old-fashioned, muck-raking tabloid stories.
"Floyd and Clea" is an insightful story of mutual but not simultaneous redemption.
The books were written as a way of educating children about the railways of Britain towards the end of steam locomotion, and deliver them in a series of enjoyable and insightful stories.
He evoked that this album "was a bright spot for those who sought insightful stories that resonate within one's soul."