It was the first, and possibly the most vivid and insightful, first-hand account of a major depressive episode to date.
A balanced and insightful account of New York's struggles with the issue of the homeless during the past decade.
Not one to be intimidated, Sahgal would (in 1982) write a scathing, insightful account of Gandhi's rise to power.
It is clear from the way the opening movement of the Batok is layered that this is going to be an uncommon, insightful account.
A fanfare for modern Turkey and a vivid, provocative, often funny, always insightful account of how it came about.
You will never hear a more stylistically insightful and authoritative account of this strangely gripping opera.
Berlin has given us a moving, insightful account of slavery in the United States.
But I could not reproduce his insightful account.
Great article - an honest and insightful account of the pharmacy stage of methadone treatment for heroin addiction in Britain.
Nor does the loud ovation after a well-played, but not very insightful account of the finale.