The insidious enemy had them in his grasp.
About the latter, however, he is right on target: vocationalism is at present the most insidious enemy of liberal education.
America was attacked unprovoked by an insidious enemy that targeted innocent civilians.
No one doubted that the insidious enemy would strike again.
Ryan made everyone keep moving, stamping their feet and slapping hands, fighting off the insidious enemy.
Their owners had dropped the weapons as they tried to fight off an enemy more insidious than poison gas.
Now, with what appeared to be an insidious enemy still in view, Harry decided to remain.
But the liberal Villager's most insidious enemy is himself.
Too many of our children are victims of the most insidious enemy of excellence, low expectations.
It was another unsettling day as the government's top officials grappled with an insidious and invisible enemy.