The station would insert voice-only commercials over the instrumental breaks in the music.
Intent MediaWorks is also working on ways to insert audio commercials into the songs.
It scanned for the black frames local television stations used to insert commercials.
Automation and presentation techniques during these hours insert local idents, jingles and commercials.
While a program is paused or rewinding, networks can insert new commercials during the process or display them around the periphery of the screen.
His character also claimed to have invented the concept of removing clips from the movies and inserting commercials.
Traditionally, these rooms were where controllers switched cameras and program feeds or inserted commercials and station identification logos at the appropriate time.
Lighteningcast and other video advertising networks are focused on inserting commercials into video programming.
Rather, we read them as addressing only the actions required when entities insert commercials into programming.
Due to the increased number of affiliates, the network needed a scripted "out-cue" to alert producers when to manually insert local commercials.