Viruses are central to gene therapy, the still-nascent science of inserting bits of DNA into a person to correct genetic defects that lead to particular disorders.
What Mr. Shearer likes to do in some of the pictures taken in France is to insert bits of hot color in an otherwise ordinary scene.
One must wonder why he felt the need to insert relatively modern dress and bits of stage business, as well as an automobile, into his production.
Scientists now have the technology to create embryos in a Petri dish by inserting bits of DNA into a woman's egg alone.
"Murray-fun" they called devices like inserting bits of musical greeting cards into library books.
He often likes to insert little bits of wisdom from Montana into the clinic team's activity.
Barry can remember horrific violence when he was at school - a Teddy boy inserting bits of razor into a bicycle chain and then wrapping it round someone's face.
Mr. Morris arranged all this material to his own taste, inserting bits of the Moderato into the Allegro and Penseroso.
Beatrice Edgerly notes in 1942, similar to Day, that the pitch of the instrument was controlled by inserting wire or bits of silk.