Her novels often focused on adult insensitive treatment of defenseless youth.
She said she sobbed at the "insensitive" treatment of Jeff Salaway, owner of the restaurant Nick & Toni's.
As horrible an experience as that was, it was compounded by the insensitive and unprofessional treatment I received from the local police and hospital workers.
Rewrite opening to eliminate the insensitive treatment of dwarfs embodied in the character of the dwarf Alberich.
Black had decided against a career as a medical practitioner as he objected to what he perceived as the insensitive treatment of patients at the time.
Leavis's tirade against such students was an insensitive treatment of what was already a sensitive topic, and is now far more so.
The students had complained of harassment, insensitive treatment, and, in two incidents, assaults in their rooms.
And community groups say complaints have long filtered in about poor or insensitive treatment and misuse of hospital money.
The trigger may well have been the killing of Mark Duggan and the insensitive treatment of his family, but this has been brewing for some time.
They will have to pay a further political price for their insensitive treatment of Scotland.