Sometimes insectivorous plants reside in mosses, since the soils are generally nutrient poor.
Ferns, insectivorous plants and propagation of rare plants are among the subjects to be discussed.
During 1874 Darwin contacted many of his old friends to assist with experimentation on insectivorous or carnivorous plants.
He collected it and tried to feed it insects, thus beginning a long-term study of insectivorous plants.
Angler fish, insectivorous plants and the cuckoo are all examples.
The term may also refer to the hairs of the leaves of some insectivorous plants.
Because these insectivorous plants move in response to stimuli, "they appeal."
They are often called insectivorous plants, because they usually trap insects.
There are seven species of insectivorous plants in the area of the lagoon.
I have been working for some time on a special subject, namely insectivorous plants.