Someone in China was not paid to paint an expression on the face; it wears an inscrutable little smile.
"Do not worry, human," Grelun said with an inscrutable smile.
It's my soul that's on fire," said Emily with an inscrutable smile.
I looked about me, at their still, passive faces, those inscrutable smiles.
For a moment she looked into his calm face with its urbane, inscrutable smile.
I gave him my inscrutable smile and tied on a pink lure.
The inscrutable smile on the face of the sphiinx when do we see you?
Her only answer to the Agent's question was an inscrutable smile.
"All our eggs are in one basket," she said with an inscrutable smile and moved the inspection lens to a new position.
After a moment of silence, he gave me one of his inscrutable smiles.