Their dedication to insanely great stuff is unquestionable.
Throughout the history of the company, its leaders has set it apart from any other corporations - "insanely great," "computers for the rest of us."
For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour.
But then, in many cases, there may not be many insanely great ideas left in the brains of the old guard, either.
Every product Apple makes is "insanely great," "amazing," or even "magical."
Gates, whom Jobs had often vilified, said it had been "an insanely great honour" to work with him.
It has been a long time since Apple produced anything "insanely great," as its co-founder, Steve Jobs, used to say.
His talk was full of the cosmic significance of his "insanely great" computers.
If you're not willing to challenge both yourself and your customers, you'll never end up with anything Insanely Great.
Developer Mike Lee tells C4 conference attendees in 2008 why they should care about making software insanely great.