Subverting them had always been possible, but insanely difficult.
It was an insanely difficult job, one that she would call "cruel and unusual punishment" if it were assigned to graduate students.
It was insanely difficult to drag himself along, his legs barely able to provide any help.
The final "3 second hero" level was insanely difficult.
Previously, insanely difficult puzzles were once considered a good thing, and success was measured in how long it took people to finish the game.
It was insanely difficult and I loved it.
We've got thousands of miles to cover and travel is meant to be insanely difficult.
It's not insanely difficult to copy what they've done.
When Amazon went after the big bookstore chains, analysts ridiculed them for doing something insanely difficult.
Mountain-biking tours range from beginner level to insanely difficult.