"Are you tracking down some insane killer?"
A seemingly insane killer has struck once again.
Bran, as leader of all werewolves, would be responsible for destroying Gerry's father before he became an insane killer.
A meticulous, intelligent, methodical, cool, and utterly insane serial killer.
During the time, he guns down an insane killer, but is still wracked with remorse.
Each time he takes a pill he turns into a hairy insane killer, who doesn't remember what he's done, except as a vague dream.
They find his references to a "super-powered serial killer" almost insane.
Two years of this duty and they're guaranteed to be insane killers.
He is portrayed as an one-eyed, heavily scarred and clinically insane killer.
Then, more seriously, he points out that insane killers have their own rituals that look religious, but are personal.