She stifled the insane impulse to ask him to please leave it open.
I fought an insane impulse to laugh.
With a sigh he wondered what insane impulse had taken him to Puerto Rico.
She felt his body heat like a lodestone all down her right side, triggering an insane impulse to get closer and see just how warm he could get her.
Chapter Sixteen For a very brief moment, Jo almost acted on the insane impulse to run after him and beg him to take her with him.
Bowie stared at it for a moment and had an insane impulse to wipe his hand on his pants leg before touching hers.
I felt an insane impulse to pick her up and kiss her.
Pauli stifled an insane impulse to spit, to turn her face away, to hide indoors until the last of this unholy settlement died, and she could die too.
"You won't yield to any insane impulse to defect to the borsht-and-vodkaswilling enemies of the democratic way of life?"
Garrett fought the insane impulse to laugh.