His inquiries, which were minute, proved that he had directed much attention to the French navy.
But Dendybar never let her stay, explaining that her inevitable inquiries would prove too much of a distraction.
My inquiry, and yours following it, have proved to be a herring in the path of our Devernian fox.
An inquiry by an independent prosecutor would likely prove expensive, time-consuming and, even if no charges were ultimately brought, politically embarrassing for the Administration.
Wall paint has long been suspected as an accelerant of the flames, officials said, but initial inquiries into its role proved inconclusive.
For other therapists interviewed in the study, however, the official inquiries into the suicide proved to be almost as traumatic as the event itself.
Kitten next journeys to London to search for her mother, but initial inquiries prove fruitless.
It can be used to check how serious the inquiry is and to arrange a personal visit should the inquiry prove to have potential.
The official inquiry into the tragedy conclusively proved that all the spectators were moving in the same direction at the time of the collapse, however.
No taxpayer money was involved and the overdrafts were usually covered by the deposits of other members, but the inquiry proved embarrassing to Congress.