Smith just nodded, and collected himself enough to say, "I was coming to inquire after the lord's health."
Everywhere he went, inquiring with his fingers after the earth's health.
He just called now to inquire after your health, but unfortunately has no news for us.
Rachel didn't bother to inquire further after their health; she had too many things to do before they landed.
Almost every day, he said, two or three well-wishers wander through the door of the shop to inquire after Molly's health.
He spoke as any physician might do who inquired after a patient's health.
You didn't come to inquire after my health, or that of this planet.
The Rokujo minister has been kind enough to inquire after my health.
He went in as if inquiring after her health, for it had after all been only a rumor.
Is your visit official, or did you merely stop by to inquire after my health?