Apple was recently awarded a patent related to multitouch input processing, which the Internet immediately characterized as a "key multitouch patent" that Apple could use to target Android handset makers.
Endogenous cannabinoids are believed to exhibit an analgesic effect on these receptors by limiting both GABA and glutamate of PAG cells that relate to nociceptive input processing, a hypothesis consistent with the finding that ananadamide release in the PAG is increased in response to pain-triggering stimuli.
Other consoles such as the Sega Saturn used the 68000 for audio processing and other I/O tasks, while the Atari Jaguar included a 68000 which was intended for basic system control and input processing, but due to the Jaguar's unusual assortment of heterogeneous processors was also frequently used for running game logic.
The component has existed in all versions of Windows, and includes functionality for window management, message passing, input processing and standard controls.
Extinction arises at a high level of tactile input processing.
The old Aroeste interface has been replaced with bio-neural circuitry, giving the implants a faster rate of sensory input processing, as well as a closer approximation of standard human vision in the visible light spectrum.
Since the downloaded code runs from RAM, there is little space to spare, particularly for processors dedicated to seeker input processing and target analysis.
In other cases, damage is restricted to areas responsible for input processing.
One theory supports that this decrease in illusory conjunctions with increased distance between objects is due to the use of bihemispheric input processing making closer objects more likely to be conjuncted because only one of the cerebral hemispheres sees and processes both objects involved in an illusory conjunction.