"Asynchronous" sequential systems propagate changes whenever inputs change.
Optimized implementations may take advantage of low model activity to speed up simulation by skipping evaluation of gates whose inputs didn't change.
When wired inputs change state the time and state of each change is recorded.
Incremental computing - a related concept whereby computations are only repeated if their inputs change.
With every copy made, the inputs to the FPU changed.
It has to be pointed out that the numerical visualisations as well as the qualitative inputs change in the course of other participants changing their responses.
Thus, the output of every inverter in a ring oscillator changes a finite amount of time after the input has changed.
As the inputs change state, a small delay will occur before the output changes, due to the physical nature of the electronic system.
The example below illustrates how truncating the input of the whole of the above quote changes the output padding:
Real-world input, however, is hardly stationary, but often changing on a fast time scale.