With education, he is planning to simplify the inordinately complex scheme by which school aid is disbursed around the state, replacing it with a more straightforward approach.
The Internal Revenue Code is inordinately complex, imposes an enormous burden on taxpayers and thus undermines compliance with the law.
The report found that the present reimbursement formula was inflationary, inordinately complex and provided "inappropriate incentives" to physicians.
An example of the latter is Goltzius's large "Young Man Holding a Skull and Tulip," an inordinately complex vanitas fantasy in brown ink.
Any deal would be inordinately complex because a number of cable operators, led by Tele-Communications Inc. and Time Inc., are represented on Turner's board.
Experiment and manipulation may form the stereotype of science, Agassiz argued, but disciplines that treat the inordinately complex, unrepeatable products of history must proceed differently.
How should scientists operate when they must try to explain the results of history, those inordinately complex events that can occur but once in detailed glory?
The problem was inordinately complex.
The northerners found Videssian theological squabbles inordinately complex.
Many such literary or spoken devices were inordinately complex in meaning, and not all of the texts have been translated even today.