When the journal launched, an innovative, dynamic and competent philosophical thought appeared in Greece.
He asserts that by stimulating innovative thought, education can lead to political, social, cultural, demographic, economic and developmental progress.
The school presents the award annually to students for innovative thought in science and technology.
During the conference, the topics of innovative thought and the entrepreneurial spirit were discussed.
For postgraduate student education, the emphasis is on training on innovative thoughts and abilities.
Having read a paper by the class star, Nash tells him he can't find a single innovative thought in it.
You did well,' he said, 'but it was not innovative thought.
Copyright laws were enacted to set a fence around someone's idea, and it seems right to reward innovative thought.
Holy Child graduates are prepared for the innovative and critical thought necessary in a diverse, interconnected society.
Innovation Centre to boost the innovative thoughts of the students is also initiated with a full functional 24 hr working facility.