In judging the ideas for drinks, Coke was looking for a unique, healthy product with innovative packaging.
Mattel used innovative wedge-shaped packaging and gave the tops interesting personas through the use of color combinations and stickers.
Low moisture content and innovative multilayer packaging allow meals to stay fresho for three years without refrigeration.
In 1988, Ralston won an award for "innovative packaging" for the Morning Funnies fifth panel design.
Despite the innovative packaging, added features and superior performance, this $3,995 product was stillborn and never had a chance to succeed due to the failure of Otrona shortly after its release.
The innovative packaging of his minipods and the use of eco friendly ceramics for his Orb 1 speakers, being primary examples of this work ethic.
Battery-operated portable radios had been available for many years, but Hoeflich hoped a radio with innovative packaging and a publicity campaign could be a runaway success.
Chop Shop is known also for innovative packaging using leather, tar paper, steel plates, etc.
I guess these companies deserve demonstrations outside their headquarters for a sheer lack of innovative packaging.
His innovative black packaging and the ubiquitous Polaroid color stripes subdued the dominance of Eastman Kodak's yellow packaging at the point-of-purchase.