Over time, Solo began to imitate its competitors instead of offering unique, innovative options for wireless services.
In the United States, many state and local governments are now assessing innovative, locality-specific options for sea-level rise adaptation.
It was known for its disc brakes and other innovative available options.
Tour operators have been coming out with innovative options.
See what some innovative options are.
A third innovative option was to swap the batteries for a new pack at a Renault Quickdrop centre.
No, neither standard is acceptable - but the first number is a strong argument for allowing parents to sample charter schools and other innovative options.
Allgame wrote that the game was "able to set itself aside from other games in the genre and offer players some newer, innovative options."
The surge in online dating has spurred some innovative options.
DSU will implement measures to increase energy efficiency and upgrade important facility systems using an innovative option for financing capital improvements with energy savings.