As of 2008-2009 an innovative course focusing on mapping controversies in architectural design was launched.
These projects are part of an innovative course that is taught jointly by the hotel school and the university's of human services studies department.
It attempts to stand out by offering innovative courses in business law and the Asian-Pacific world.
The Upper School college preparatory curriculum includes traditional and innovative courses.
The university's innovative and practical courses of study train experts for the European as well as international labor market.
The school soon found itself inundated with applications from college students around the country wanting to enrol on this innovative course.
Even at its beginning it included innovative courses such as domestic hygiene and urban public health.
They are also known for starting several innovative courses first time in the Country.
It seems to me that innovative courses could with advantage be handled in virtually the same way.
Innisdale is home to one of the most innovative courses in Ontario.