Already robotic innovations have transformed the way cars are built and how a wide array of products are made.
Another successful green technological innovation is transforming the pollutant of white sludge generated from the alkali recovery process into the filter and desulfurizer.
IN the last two decades, innovation and entrepreneurship have transformed the landscape of American stock markets.
His many innovations transformed the Hollywood musical film, and he is credited with almost single-handedly making the ballet form commercially acceptable to film audiences.
These innovations transformed the textile industry in Great Britain.
As it turned out, of course, Mr. Arledge's innovations transformed ABC into a television news titan.
This innovation and creative vehicle has fundamentally transformed the concept of philanthropy and corporate social responsibility to a level previously unknown.
In the late 19th century, technological innovations transformed the middle-class household.
Such high-tech innovations have transformed the 45-pound clunker that crawled up the slopes of Mount Tamalpais into a sleek 22-pound speed machine costing more than $2,000.
How has the most revolutionary innovation of our time - the internet - transformed our world?