Beginning in 1948, several innovations created the conditions for a major improvement of home-audio quality:
I believe that scientific and technological innovations create high-wage jobs, keep us safe, and improve our quality of life.
"When people see these innovations creating millionaires and billionaires overnight," she said, "they may think, 'Why not me?' "
The innovations would create a small new revenue stream for the car rental companies and could give the ones that introduce them first a competitive advantage.
Technological innovation, especially in information technology, has enhanced productivity, but also created new vulnerabilities.
Every innovation that solved one problem has created others, some serious, some not.
"Their constant innovation and entrepreneurship has created a thriving market for both states, which are in heavy competition with each other."
"Both innovation and standardization create value for consumers," he said.
Within the past ten years his innovations have changed people lives and created products entirely different than anything else out there.
I am often asked whether innovation will create new jobs.