Fahamu is one of five Tech Laureates in the 2005 Microsoft Education Award category of the Tech Museum Awards, representing the "best of the best technologists whose innovations benefit humanity".
Technical innovation - e.g., how the technical innovation has advanced national priorities in R&D, how the technical innovation has benefited the federal government or private citizens.
They are also showing how NGO's cross-cultural virtual team's innovation in Africa would also benefit from the pooling of best global practices online.
Many ethanol plants and solar-panel makers may fail as investments, but their innovations could benefit the economy.
Do social media, interactive whiteboards and other recent innovations benefit students?
Therefore, innovation and scientific investigation will benefit and the internal market will be improved at the same time.
Research and innovation for Europe could also benefit greatly from the more fluid movement of a trained workforce.
And it is probably true that rapid innovation in these areas would benefit the whole economy.