Two entirely innocuous comments I've made about it have been deleted.
The innocuous comment quoted here does not represent the stimulating tone of much of the book, but it springs to mind in the present connection.
By the use of quotation marks, he highlights what are probably innocuous comments so that they seem loaded with homoerotic meaning.
All three Talents took turns explaining the plan, sprinkling innocuous comments now and then.
The cheerful young waitress arrived with their lunches, and they exchanged innocuous comments about the weather while she put the food in front of them.
Stick to innocuous comments unless or until you know which way the wind is blowing.
By the time six types of fish were being offered Beth had nerve enough to direct an innocuous comment to him and he was restored enough to answer it.
Mr. Baker, in a seemingly innocuous comment, characterized the dollar's decline as "orderly."
In Mr. Guare's hands, the most innocuous comment or random encounter can become both hilarious and terrifying.
This is humorously referenced on several occasions, with Greg making a seemingly innocuous comment, which later either occurs or is referenced.