Dylan was flushed and excited, his face beaming with innocent joy.
After his first stupefaction, however, the Pasteur could not conceal his innocent joy.
He bowed, and felt her rush of innocent joy at the simple courtesy.
He looked into her eyes, finding only an innocent joy welling there.
But in his wreaking form shone a child's innocent joy in life.
The sudden, innocent joy in Mary's eyes realized some of the potential beauty that her habitual fierce smiling tended to obscure.
Huge eyes, wide and full of innocent joy.
What better time than when the two best virtues - innocent joy and the boundless desire for love - were the only motives in life?
I still remember childhood, when New Year's Eve was all innocent joy, no sweat.
At 65, she sang of a world where anything was possible and everything was shot through with an innocent joy, excitement and imagination.