This, we think, should be according to the unwritten law of decorum, which is stamped upon every innocent heart.
There's the winsome blond apprentice with her white even teeth and innocent heart.
"By the way, do you know this Wilbur who's won her innocent, trusting heart?"
When he left, he took Juliana's innocent young heart with him.
And she'd been speaking, for that one time, the unshielded truth of a no longer innocent heart.
That innocent heart, they had all hoped, might have been spared the misery of the parting scene!
She has the mind of a teenage girl, but the innocent heart of a young chimp.
Do not touch the police, the military, for even with your innocent heart you will wind up hanged.
Now I'm looking for deception and corruption in even the most innocent hearts.
What mattered it to her pure and innocent heart that she was not permitted to be alone with him?