This means it has large outer wheels, but small inner wheels to make grinding easy.
Freestyle frames have no inner wheels, giving the user a large amount of space in the middle for grinding.
When a vehicle turns the outer wheel has to travel further than the inner wheel.
It may be necessary to compensate the inner wheel or allow for some slippage.
This raises the inner wheels back up the inclines of the granite slabs.
The inner wheels didn't lift as he expected.
The lights were fixed to the sides of this inner wheel, and there was someone¡K or something¡K sitting inside it.
As the steering moved, the wheels turned according to Ackermann, with the inner wheel turning further.
The clock started after the first question was completely asked, and each correct answer earned the amount of money the inner wheel landed on.
All of the weight of the overloaded car came onto the inner wheel.