That is the great temptation, especially, for those who misinterpret the words going inward and inner silence.
These qualities also answer the earlier question of what good comes from inner silence.
Directing thoughts to her would just make her say more and right now he wanted inner silence, a chance to think by himself.
As that sacred light bathed me a rational thought exploded in my inner silence.
This definition is more in line with the traditional eastern understanding of meditation as inner silence.
Niall sat upright with a straight back, and again induced the feeling of inner silence.
In the case of sorcerers, that profound level was marked by what he had called inner silence.
He wished he could find a moment of inner silence: quiet, peaceful.
I mean inner silence, which is possible no matter what the outer circumstances.
It goes on to say essentially that inner silence will reveal both the beauty and the beast in ourselves.