Opening it, he dragged the black cape from the inner section of the case.
Deakin extracted the inner sections and threw them onto the bed.
Swift enough to pass the inner section before it tightened, he was speeding through wider portions of the web.
He brushed off the inner section of the letter and tucked it and the cover fragments under his arm.
Damage to the inner section of the hull must be kept to the absolute minimum, or we'll have a debris problem.
After several delays, construction work on the inner section of the freeway began in 2006 and was opened to traffic in January 2011.
The inner section of the freeway is currently being upgraded.
Included in the module is a 12-page removable inner section.
There was a guard at the door to the inner section.
He was breathing hard by then, and the gunfire had produced a degree of alarm in the inner section.