There are no pages of inner reflection.
The activities include music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection.
Its dark, gentle string writing and pitched percussion line suggest inner reflection if not regret.
On occasion, he has also translated Forster's narration or the characters' inner reflections into dialogue.
Walking allows him time for inner reflection and for ideas to emerge free from the everyday.
As a counterpoint to inner reflection, the ancient Iconian engineers had also designed an observation chamber for looking outward.
The only one with visitors at the monastery, Larry has been rejected by the monks and believes it is time to return from his inner reflections.
In addition, a simple, understated mode of dress is seen as conducive to inner reflection and spiritual growth.
Through such self-knowledge and personal purification (virtuous living) the adept is led to direct knowledge of God via themselves as inner reflection or will.
Urban life is unquestionably more stimulating, but at some point the stimulation can get in the way of the inner reflection needed for creation.