Learning not only satisfied some inner need, it was also her ticket out of Patpong.
For the first time in his life, the writing seemed to flow from some inner need and conviction.
Internal stories involve the character's inner needs and overcoming character flaws.
Small and poorly appointed as her 'place' was, it had been arranged to satisfy some inner need or order.
Dua never thinned for any reason other than her own inner needs.
On the other hand, frightful upsurges of inner need told her the future was nothing without Frank himself.
"What we're talking about is someone who must gratify an inner need, a tension, by killing," he said.
He was ready to do murder, out of some inner need for the monstrous.
She looked in the viewfinder again, not to take his picture, but just to indulge an inner need.
You certainly cannot fault creativity and generosity as responses to inner needs.