Potter's recipes range in complexity from buttermilk pancakes to duck confit, and all seem like fine occasions for unleashing one's inner geek.
While the inner geek in me appreciates the look at the insides of the tablets, will any make their purchasing decision based on these iFixit teardowns?
But our inner geek can't honestly say that we wouldn't like to wear a pair to Zuse's for a night out on the grid while Daft Punk performs "Derezzed."
Determined to be a newer, cooler Steven, he is still visibly in touch with his inner geek.
I let my inner geek loose and was able to run a couple of quick commands and snap a pic before the marketdroid returned command of the system to the GUI.
After school orientation, Wendy meets Sean, a new senior who moved from Chicago; he finds out about her "inner geek", and she quickly recognizes a kindred spirit.
I think KSR's just appealing to my inner geek.
My inner geek is about to explode with lust.
'Titanic' Director Turns to 3-D Film James Cameron, director of "Titanic," which won 11 Academy Awards and took in more money than any movie in history, has been indulging his inner geek.